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Summer Soccer Camp July 23rd-25th

Summer Soccer Camp

Instructed by Chance Vick

July 23rd-25th

9-10:15am (5-7 Years)

10:30am-12pm (8-12 Years)

$25 per Day

Call or go online to sign up!


Registration Instructions below! 
1. Go to sportsnextlevel.com
2. Click “Schedule A Lesson”
3. Click “Continue To Sign-Up”
4. From Calendar Page, Click “Filter”
5. Click on Chat Box w/Upper Torso of Person
6. Check “Chance Vick” and then click “Filter”
7. Go to correct Date(s)
8. Select "Soccer Camp" for desired days days. If you would like to do all 3 days make sure you sign up for each day
9. Once Session Selected, click “Book”
10. Click “Login” if you have existing account
Click “Create Account” to create new account