Spring Break Basketball Shooting Academy
March 11th -14th
Elementary 10-11:30am
Jr High 12- 1:30pm
1.5 Hour Sessions
$120/ 4 days
$40/ 1 Day
Call or go online to sign up!
Online Sign up Intructions:
- Go to sportsnextlevel.com
- Click “Schedule A Lesson”
- Click “Continue To Sign-Up”
- From Calendar Page, Click “Filter”
- Click on Chat Box w/Upper Torso of Person
- Check “Tony Allen ” and then click “Filter”
- For Single Day Go to correct Date(s) March 11,12,13 or 14th
- Select "1 Day Spring Break Basketball Shooting Camp" for desired day.
- For All Days go to March 11th
- Select "4 Day Spring Break Basketball Shooting Camp"
- Once Session Selected, click “Book”
- Click “Login” if you have existing account
OR-Click “Create Account” to create new account