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Questions? Give us a Call! 325.277.0928, Next Level Grill 325.277.0965

Christmas Break Kids Camp

Dec 26-28
Ages 6-12
30 kids MAX
$40 per day
Knockerball, Kickall, Dodgeball, Putt Putt, Whiffle Ball, Snacks,etc. 
Registration Instructions below! 
1. Go to sportsnextlevel.com
2. Click “Schedule A Lesson”
3. Click “Continue To Sign-Up”
4. From Calendar Page, Click “Filter”
5. Click on Chat Box w/Upper Torso of Person
6. Check “SNL Facility” and then click “Filter”
7. Go to Dec 26th - 27th - 28th
8. Select Christmas Kids Camp for all 3 days.
Select Single Day Christmas Kids Camp (choose day(s))
9. Once Session Selected, click “Book”
10. Click “Login” if you have existing account
Click “Create Account” to create new account